Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Poetry & Memoir

Poetry is a literary work in which a special focus is given to expression of feelings and ideas by using a distinctive style and rhythm. Poetry may be challenging for some students, which is why I plan on using the books I select for read aloud and shared readings so I can model how to identify the meaning within the poem. Poetry is structured in a special way which is why I will look for books that explain these structures to students. Poetry helps students develop speaking, listening, communicating, and higher order thinking skills. Since it is a very important genre in literacy I will have a variety of books in my classroom for students to read on their own. A memoir is a historical account or a biography written from personal knowledge or special sources. Memoir covers narrative, informative, and persuasive writing which are included in the Common Core State Standards for writing. Finding appealing poems and memoir may be challenging since usually they don’t contain many illustrations which is what catches the younger readers’ attention, but as I search for these text I will look for other text features, like the type of voice it uses, the order in which the book is written, I will analyze the appropriateness, accessibility, and accuracy of the books.

John Foster, (1979). A First poetry book. Oxford : Oxford University Press.

Complexity level:

  •  Second & Third
Read aloud level:
  • First & Second

This book is incorporates both traditional and contemporary forms and themes. It contains lots of exciting illustrations. Also, it contains humorous verses appropriate for young students. This book is very balanced. It contains serious poems and humorous poems, it contains very sophisticated poems, but it also contains simple poems. The poems presented in this book are rhyming poems which will seem interesting for younger students. Also, this book does contain many illustrations which make it more appealing for students. The poems refer to pirates, mermaids, monsters, mystical creatures, animals and other interesting creatures. I plan on using this book for a read aloud and model to my students how to identify the meaning of the poems.

Charley Hoce,(2005). Beyond Old MacDonald: Funny Poems From Down on the Farm. Honesdale, Pa.: Wordsong

Complexity level:
  •  Second & Third
Read aloud level:
  • First & Second

This book contains 30 short poems that are appropriate for elementary students. This book can be used in a fourth grade classroom and above since some poems contain words that a third grader or a younger student will not understand. I would use this book in my classroom because it contains a lot of good illustrations that can catch the students’ attention and develop interest on reading the book. This is a fun book, but it is also excellent for the classroom since it promotes language skills such as, identifying homophones, personifications, and idioms.

Language Arts

Language arts is the use of verbal, reading, listening, and writing skills that a student needs and uses when they perform an academic activity. The goal of language arts is to use language proficiently in order to communicate an idea. I want my students to clearly communicate their ideas through language. When I select my books I will make sure that these cover the four main concepts which are included in language arts, these concepts are; listening, reading, speaking, and writing. This genre helps students learn about the components of English language through the incorporation of a plot or a story line. There are other books that meet the same goal, but these are more colorful and contain many interesting animations, which attract younger students and it makes it easier for these students to understand the information that’s being provided in the text. Some of the things I will look for when I’m searching for my books are; the accuracy of the book, I want the information of the book to be consistent and up to date. Also, I will look at the accessibility of the book, and the attractiveness. These books can serve as an introduction to a lesson or as a secondary source depending on how the teacher would like to use them.

Ruth Heller, (1998). Fantastic! Wow and Unreal. New York : Grosset & Dunlap

Complexity level:

  • Second & Third
Read aloud level:
  • First & Second

This book provides information about interjection and conjunctions. The author talks about what interjections are how they are used and provides several examples of when people use them. Also, I contains information about what conjunctions are, and how they are used. I’d use this book in my classroom because it will help my students understand when/how they should use an interjection or a conjunction. It will help them become better writers since they will know how to connect their ideas. I also like this book because it has lots of good text features. It is very colorful which makes it very appealing for students. Also, in the sentences he uses as examples to show interjection and conjunction he highlights with bright colors the interjection or the conjunction, which makes it easier to identify it.

Robert Kaske, (1975). The Story of the Dictionary. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. 

Complexity level:
  • Fourth & Fifth
Read aloud level:
  • Third & Fourth

This book contains information about the story of the dictionary. It provides information about who were the first monks that wrote the dictionary, who was the first American that wrote a dictionary, and where do all the words that are included in the dictionary come from. I really liked this book because it talks about the background of where the words that we use come from. Students that like to read would enjoy reading this book since they would want to know about where the definitions of the words we use come from.

Journals & Atlases

Atlases provide information about the different locations around the world. These texts can be used to provide students with information about a specific location or a specific topic for example, there are atlases about mammals, insects etc. When selecting these books I will look for organization. The text must be organized so students can find and follow the information that’s being provided easily. Also, when I select these texts I will make sure they are accurate and up to date since information about locations is constantly changing. Having a variety of atlases in my classroom will help my foreign students feel at home since they’re able to read these texts and learn more about their country, or just remember things from their countries. A journal is a type of daily writing that provides information about a particular topic. An example of a journal would be a medical journal. Doctors are constantly writing and updating their results in their journals. I plan on having a variety of atlases and journals in my classroom that provide information about different topics and different locations. The more books I have in my classroom library the more options my students will have to select a book that is perfect for them. 

David Drew, (1987). Tadpole Diary. Maurbern Pty Ltd ; Crystal Lake, Ill : Distributed by Rigby

Complex level:

  • Third & Fourth
Read aloud level:
  • Second & Third

This book would be very good for a read aloud since it’s huge! The students will be able to see the images and the text clearly because of the size of the book. This text is considered a journal since it provides information about a specific topic. It’s also written based from students’ observations.  I would definitely use this book in my classroom, especially since I’m planning on being a science teacher this would be a good book to read to my students. It also shows the different aspects a journal should contain.

Janine Amos, (1997). Animals. Chicago, IL: World Book. 

Complex level:
  • Fourth & Fifth
Read aloud level:
  • Third& Fourth

This book has very good text features. The illustrations are very engaging and attractive. This book is one that students would like to read. It’s an atlas about different kinds of animals. It talks about fish, mammals, birds, where they live, and what they eat. The headers are in bold letters which makes it easy for students to find information. Also, the book is well organized, it contains charts and tables which are easy to read and understand because of all the details that are added to them. I plan on using these books as secondary resources in my classroom so students can do research about a specific animal. Also, I would use them for read aloud and shared readings.


A biography is a written work written of a person’s life written by someone else. In order to be a good biography the information should be consistent with other books, and it should come from a valid source. If the information is not consistent with other books, then chances are that the information is not very accurate. Although there are some biographies that are not consistent with other books, but the information provided is very accurate. This is because the person who wrote the biography might had been very close to the person he wrote about which knew things about the person that no one else did. This is why we have to also see the source that is providing the information so we can see if it’s a trustworthy source or not. These types of texts are useful in the classroom when students begin working on research projects. Also, these books can be used to introduce a history lesson about a specific era or event in which the person the author is writing about lived in.

Don Brown. (1949), Aaron and Alexander: The Most Famous Duel in American History. New York: Roaring Brook Press.

Complexity level:

  • Third & Fourth
Read aloud level:
  • Second & Third

This book provides information about the lives of Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton. It compares and contrasts the lives of both of them. It has very good illustrations that describe what the text is saying. One thing I really liked about it is that the pages are divided in two, on one side it talks about Aaron burr, and on the other it talks about Alexander Hamilton. This book is one that we would definitely use in our classroom because it provides information about Hamilton and Burr since the day they were born, all the way until they had their duel and Hamilton was killed by Burr. This book will be great to use in a history lesson.

Henry F, Graff. (1968). Thomas Jefferson: A Picture Book Biography. Morristown, N.J. : Silver Burdett Co.

Complexity level:

  • Fourth & Fifth
Read aloud level;
  • Third & Fourth

This book is divided into three sections; the first one had a biography about Thomas Jefferson, the second section had a portfolio, and the third section was an autobiography about Thomas Jefferson. This is a book that would be great for a classroom lesson. We can use it to see to compare what other people wrote about Thomas Jefferson, and what he wrote about himself. It provides many details about him since the day he was born until the day he died. I plan on using these types of books so my students can do research about specific people. Also, I would like to use these texts for read aloud and shared readings.

Technical Writing

Technical writing is a type of writing in which the author explains how to complete a particular writing skill. Most of these books are teachers oriented, although they can also be used by the students, since they can read them and get ideas or tips on how to create writing. I would like to use these types of books in my classroom so they can help me in teaching my students how to create a particular writing. I’ll be an elementary teacher focused more on STEM. I will ask my students to keep a science journal in which they will be taking notes of procedures, and steps they followed when conducting an experiment. Also, they will be writing about their findings (results) and interpreting specific data. Some of the characteristics that I will look for when selecting my books are, that the books are up to date, that the steps and information provided is easy to follow, and that the illustrations presented go along with the information presented in the text so it can make it easier for my students to understand and comprehend whatever my students are reading. I plan on using these books for instruction because they’re helpful on showing students how to create a particular type of writing. 

David Morrell, (2002). Lessons From a Lifetime of Writing: A Novelist Looks at His Craft. Cincinnati, Ohio : Writer's Digest Books
Complex level:

  • Fifth & Sixth
Read aloud level:
  • Fourth & Fifth

The author of this book is the best-selling novelist. This book is divided in fifteen lessons. These lessons focus on each part of writing, for example some of the lessons are; why do you want to be a writer? This lesson makes you reflect on why you want to make a writing. The other lessons focus on how to create a good plot, the importance of adding research to your writing, how to start with the first page since it’s what most people have difficulties with. It also provides information about the things you shouldn’t include when you create a dialogue. I would use this book in my classroom and get them main points from it, then share them with my students so they know how to create the different aspects of a good writing.

Ann Richards Taylor, (1969). Fiction Writing: A Guide for Students. Austin : Steck-Vaughn.
Complex level:

  • Fifth & Sixth
Read aloud level:
  • Fourth & Fifth

This book is similar to the one above. It provides information about how to create a good writing. It’s a good guide for students since it explains in details how to put together a good story. It talks about how to transition from one point to another without breaking the story’s fluency. It provides good information on how to give focus to the characters. This would be a good book for students to read since it will help them create a good story. I plan on using this book in my classroom by having my students identify the main ideas, and having a discussion about them and how we can implement them as we create a story.