Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Journals & Atlases

Atlases provide information about the different locations around the world. These texts can be used to provide students with information about a specific location or a specific topic for example, there are atlases about mammals, insects etc. When selecting these books I will look for organization. The text must be organized so students can find and follow the information that’s being provided easily. Also, when I select these texts I will make sure they are accurate and up to date since information about locations is constantly changing. Having a variety of atlases in my classroom will help my foreign students feel at home since they’re able to read these texts and learn more about their country, or just remember things from their countries. A journal is a type of daily writing that provides information about a particular topic. An example of a journal would be a medical journal. Doctors are constantly writing and updating their results in their journals. I plan on having a variety of atlases and journals in my classroom that provide information about different topics and different locations. The more books I have in my classroom library the more options my students will have to select a book that is perfect for them. 

David Drew, (1987). Tadpole Diary. Maurbern Pty Ltd ; Crystal Lake, Ill : Distributed by Rigby

Complex level:

  • Third & Fourth
Read aloud level:
  • Second & Third

This book would be very good for a read aloud since it’s huge! The students will be able to see the images and the text clearly because of the size of the book. This text is considered a journal since it provides information about a specific topic. It’s also written based from students’ observations.  I would definitely use this book in my classroom, especially since I’m planning on being a science teacher this would be a good book to read to my students. It also shows the different aspects a journal should contain.

Janine Amos, (1997). Animals. Chicago, IL: World Book. 

Complex level:
  • Fourth & Fifth
Read aloud level:
  • Third& Fourth

This book has very good text features. The illustrations are very engaging and attractive. This book is one that students would like to read. It’s an atlas about different kinds of animals. It talks about fish, mammals, birds, where they live, and what they eat. The headers are in bold letters which makes it easy for students to find information. Also, the book is well organized, it contains charts and tables which are easy to read and understand because of all the details that are added to them. I plan on using these books as secondary resources in my classroom so students can do research about a specific animal. Also, I would use them for read aloud and shared readings.

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